Case Studies

Redcliffe Children’s Centre

How can children under three learn about food and eating?

Our 5x5x5=creativity research is now in its fourth year and our creative food project continues to flourish. By comparison, our ‘food area’ has reduced in size as a result of building work. This has led to creative thinking on the part of the adults in supporting children’s access to resources. At the same time, we are planning to redevelop an unused storage facility as a new kitchen.

This year, one focus has been following the impact of the project on practitioners who have become empowered on both a professional and personal level working creatively alongside the children in the realms of food and cooking.

‘The adult encourages the child to go beyond what the adult knows about and is open to learning new things alongside the child’. (Adult Pedagogic Strategies, Pen Green 2005)

A further focus has been on the under three age group. Our learning story follows one of their lines of enquiry.

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