Case Studies

Swainswick Primary School

There is gold around here somewhere!

The educator and artists (one Forest School trained) worked with twelve Year 2 children. They used the valley adjacent to the school, there being no specific Forest School site. Two sessions took place in the setting’s grounds to connect the learning back at school and allow other resources to be used.

Initial observations revealed that the children’s ideas and interactions seemed to explode when they transformed themselves or an object. Transformation was evident in the children’s use of materials, role-play
and stories throughout the project. Forest School and 5x5x5=creativity approaches were used to support the evolving themes. They were not seen as separate elements but worked together to support the children’s and adults’ learning.

Tools, objects, the retelling of narratives and making and drawing resources worked as provocations so that the children could continue their enquiries from one session to the next.

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